Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fat Coils

These cute wire beads have been around for a long time, and I've made a few over the years. But most of them are longer than wider in proportion, not till I saw one by Linda Lemoine-Vios at San Gabriel Bead Company. I thought it was a wonderful idea to have it the same height and width, making it more of a diamond/bicone shape.

Here's my first attempt. It's all craft wire: 24" of 24ga, onto 16" of 22ga, onto 10" of 18ga, the double eye pin was an after thought, using 18ga scrap wire. These lengths are not quite right yet, making the bead lopsided, and defnitely too small.

I'm thinking maybe start with twisting 26ga to 36", coil over 20" of 22ga, onto 10" of 18ga, then center on a hammered 14ga single eye pin.

Isn't experimenting fun?

Medic Alert Bracelet

I saw a bracelet by Scott David Plumlee in Creative Silver Chains and thought this may work for my brother's medic alert tag; it's understated, flexible, unobtrusive, and still masculine. Looked up the artist's website; lots of cool stuff there, but I need to stay focused... on just this one bracelet for my brother.

It took me quite a while, but I think this will do for my purpose:
and the flip side

I'm guessing 18 or 20 for the small rings, 14 or 16 hammered flat for the large rings...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Super-Sized Knot

Did I mention these Danish Knots are addictive? They are deliciously addictive :-)

This is made of 26" of 12 gauge AS, the ID of each coil was 15mm. They really should have been 15.92mm, but I don't have anything that size in my household... which means the 3rd coil took some persuasion to thread through. Good thing this is dead soft wire, fanning out the coils wasn't too difficult.

This shows how big they are:On the left is the 12ga jumbo knot; on the right is the 16ga baby. When I first finished the 16ga one, I thought this is great, it's bigger, sturdier, in better condition than yesterday's prototype. I was plenty happy already.

Then I read about Aspect Ratio (AR) in last issue of Step by Step Wire, in the books I borrowed from the library, and online, of course. I thought why not go BIG, like 12ga big? I worked out the total length of wire needed and the mandrel size. Making this knot took little time, relatively speaking... But, wait till you feel the bundle in your hand, it's a BIG boy all right!

Things learned from making the jumbo knot:
  1. Using dead soft wire definitely helps in shaping the knot. Half hard was too springy.
  2. When fanning out coils, start sreading from outter rings, one ring at a time in small increment, go around all 3 coils evenly.
  3. Giving a bit more overlap on both cut ends of coils allows better locking of the coils inside the knot; about 1/4" on each end for the 12ga knot.
More images here.

Now I just need to find a good home for these little darlings.

UPDATE, 12/3/2008:
I'm keeping this one:-)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Danish Knot

I learned to make this little bundle of wire from here. Cute by itself or used as a component.
They are fun to make, almost addictive. I experimented with different gauges of wire and sizes of mandrels. This is the 3rd try.

Here's a comparison:
The one on the left is the first try, too loose; on the right is the 2nd, too tight, couldn't even get the final coil to thread thru. The middle one is the third try, which is "a charm" indeed.

The tutorial in the link above has a chart showing the wire gauges and ring's inside diameters (ID).
When I look at my 3rd knot closely, I can see the inside of each coil needs to accommodate at least the thickness of 6 wires, plus some wiggle room. This is one of those projects where the ratio between wire thickness and ring ID matters, kind of like fancy chain maille, but not as finicky.

This reminds me of the pure wool logo.

Slinky Ring

This is a prototype for a slinky style ring. Several wraps of wire on a ring mandrel, tie down the back, add beads to the top. Simple enough to make, easily adapted for fancier looks.

I learned a few things:

If the thin wire is not covering the whole ring, it needs to stay on top and/or bottom of ring; sporadic wrapping on left or right side of ring makes it scratchy to wear, very uncomfortable.

Beads with a flat side and center drilled work better on this ring.

Whenever possible, make the beads sit on top of two wires; for this reason, it's better to use half hard wire and slightly hammer the ring wire; this not only hardens the wire, it also provides a flatter surface for the beads to stay put. For pratice here, I used all craft wires: 18ga for ring, 28ga for wrapping, a SS bead and 3 freshwater pearls.

More images here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Few Rings

Today feels like a ring day.

Golden Rose Ring started out as an experiment for a simple knot ring. It didn't quite work out ... instead, the wire took on a life of its own, and demanded to be a rose:-) Despite the randomness, the wrap is actually quite sturdy, doesn't get unraveled as some other nest-type wrap. btw, it's not gold; it's brass wire.

I was on a roll ...

Now about those nest rings. The current issue of Step by Step Wire has a nest ring; looks almost identical to Eni Oken's Nest Bezel Ring, but the instructions seemed different ... I thought I give it a try. It was a struggle, which was strange since I had no problem with my first nest ring following Eni's tutorial. Upon close inspections, I see they "are" different. The magazine's method starts with a bead in middle of wire and proceeds to wrap away, where the bead is up against the ring mandrel directly without much structure; this requires some balancing act. Whereas Eni's Nest Bezel Ring forms the ring first as a "soft armature" before working the bead onto the wire, or in the case of Ethnic Ring where the bead is strung on first, but thicker wire is used for the frame, and a shank is stablized rather early before any emblishments, i.e. they both build a foundation first, then add on to the ring surface.

Here's a side by side: On the left is my nest ring based on Eni's instructions. I breezed thru it in 15 minutes on my first try, and it's a solid ring, always an eye-catcher. Materials: craft wire with acrylic focal bead, plated spacers, and delicas.

On the right is today's ring based on the magazine. Made me sweat a little and wish I had another hand. The outcome may not look all that different, but I'd vote for Eni's method any day, hands down. Materials: 3' of 22ga SS with a flat crytal bead.

On to the wave ring.
There are lots of adjustable rings out there. Makes sense. Among most jewelry, rings really need to fit right to be comfortable. Making them adjustable solves the issue.

Here's my take on it. Made of 8" of 12ga AS, this ring is about size 8, fits on my left index finger or thumb. I'll admit it still needs some finishing touch... I'm no good at working with thick wire yet, I'd like to blame it on the tools, but it's really me being too anxious to cushion pliers before bending wire... Anyway, this puppy is going into the tumbler tomorrow.

More images here.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spring Green Necklace

A necklace matching the Spring Green earrings. Same basic techniques, except with heavier gauge wires, plus a little of Eni's Mosaic Pendant. I also slightly modified the thin wire wrapping from straight across to intermittantly right on the frame; the overall wrapping seems sturdier this way, although not as smooth as the original design. I also made the 2 spiral beads and the clasp.

The added bonus: It doubles as an eyeglass holder!

6" of 16ga SS for base, 2.5' of 26ga & 2' of 28ga SS for wrapping, 18" commercial SS chain, glass and silver beads, handmade spiral beads, jump rings, and clasp.

UPDATE, 12/6/2008:
Here's something to keep Angie company:-)

I made 2 changes:

~ The long wraps on top half of the armature was broken into two sections to help blend the beads and the wraps.

~ All the dangles were fat-wrapped to add to the randomness and asymmetrical design.

More images here.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Plum Dews

No, not Mountain Dew, but plum dews. Similar to yesterday's Spring Green earrnings but with a dangling chain in the middle of the tear drop frame.
This is how I picture images of plum blossoms reflected in cold winter morning dews. Hum, maybe I could use purple crytals, or amethlyst beads?

These are fun to make, looks great on everybody. But before I try it again, really need to straighten out my wrapping; they don't look too neat ....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spring Green Earrings

I learned to make these from the winter issue of Step by Step Wire. Marie Cristine is the designer; she also has a tutorial for these earrings here.

Jean saw the earrings in the magazine, thought they're pretty; I do, too. So I made the frame and wrapping, she offered the beads; and voila!

These are fun and easy to make. Think I'll do these again, next time with dangling chains.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Finally, a Daisy

A lemony daisy pendant. It started out as a smaller flower with 6 petals; but I miscalculated the size of the base ring; didn't realize after the 2nd petal... So instead of 6, it'll have 9.
The middle ring is recycled from the original pink flower center, fits nicely over the base ring, nothing wasted.

Materials: 4" 18ga SS for base ring, 2' 26ga SS for middle ring, 3' 28ga AS for wrapping, with citrine, SS beads, and a round disk crystal with AB coating.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lantana Pendant

Based on Eni Oken's Circular Orange Pendant, this little jewel reminds me of Lantanas, specially Confetti.

First time back wrapping wires after a month rest for my right hand, I want something cheerful. This one sure is!
It's fun picking out colors for this pendant, but I'll probably make another one with fewer colors and natural stones.

Materials: 18 ga SS for base, 28 ga AS for wrapping, glass drop beads, cube beads, fine silver cornerless cube beads, E beads, and a glass pearl for the center.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

After nursing a cold,

now I'm nursing my arms.

Decades of typing and clicking on computers didn't give me carpal tunnel syndrome; sure don't want it now ...

Working with heavy gauge wire takes lots more strength than I realized. I first set the goal to finish one piece of wire jewelry a day. All was fine with rings, earrings, and simple bracelets. Even the Jewel Encrusted Cuff was OK, although it took me over 2 days to do. Then one morning I woke up, my right arm felt stiff, and man, it HURTS!

Now after staying off wires and pliers for 10 days, my arms are recovering, with help of Advils and frequent hand exercises suggested by my sis Angie. (THANKS, sis!)

Maybe another few days, I should be good to wrap again. Fingers crossed ......