Friday, November 28, 2008

Danish Knot

I learned to make this little bundle of wire from here. Cute by itself or used as a component.
They are fun to make, almost addictive. I experimented with different gauges of wire and sizes of mandrels. This is the 3rd try.

Here's a comparison:
The one on the left is the first try, too loose; on the right is the 2nd, too tight, couldn't even get the final coil to thread thru. The middle one is the third try, which is "a charm" indeed.

The tutorial in the link above has a chart showing the wire gauges and ring's inside diameters (ID).
When I look at my 3rd knot closely, I can see the inside of each coil needs to accommodate at least the thickness of 6 wires, plus some wiggle room. This is one of those projects where the ratio between wire thickness and ring ID matters, kind of like fancy chain maille, but not as finicky.

This reminds me of the pure wool logo.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I just started making this and couldn't for the life of me thread the last wire of the last ring! I guess I need to see the aspect ratio, but the link you gave is down right now for some maintenance. I'll try later. Thanks for the link! :-)


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